To ensure the early identification and assessment of children with special educational needs who attend Lamb Setts.
To ensure the appropriate support is given to children whose special educational needs have already been identified to enable them to fully access the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum at Lamb Setts.
To have a named SENCO, (special educational needs co-ordinator ) with the appropriate qualifications, training and experience.
To have a termly Special Educational Needs and disabilities Review meetings.
To facilitate/ attend individual SENd review meetings.
To have regard for all current policies (internal, Local Authority and National) relating to special educational needs and disabilities.
To work closely with parents to meet the child's individual needs.
To keep detailed, accurate records regarding special educational needs and disabilities in the child's personal file.
To maintain confidentiality as stated in Lamb Setts Policy Document;Section 8, Confidentiality and Information Sharing when gathering, discussing and storing information relating to a child's special educational needs and disabilities.
To liaise with professionals from outside agencies with parental permission.
To train Lamb Setts staff on the policies and practices regarding special educational needs and disabilities.
To implement strategies in line with the Code of Practice on Special Educational Needs and disabilities. To ensure any child who we observe to have additional needs has a targetted Individual Support Plan in place which is developed with and agreed by parents.
To make any reasonable changes to our building and services to ensure they are fully inclusive.