Policy Statement:
Lamb Setts is committed to offering a fully inclusive service. We aim to meet the needs of all children and staff, especially those relating to their ethnicity, social and economic background, gender, ability or disability.
Lamb Setts is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and value diversity.
Lamb Setts will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying victimisation or abuse of members of staff or any people using our service.
Lamb Sets will:
- Provide a secure and accessible environment
- Ensure inclusion is a thread that runs through all of the activities at Lamb Setts.
- Value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity
- Provide positive, non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people
- Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues relating to diversity and equality of opportunity through training
- Share our Equality and Diversity Policy with staff during the induction process.
We reflect the diversity of our society in all our publicity and promotional materials
Our Brochure is produced in English but can be translated to other languages if requested.
We base our admissions policy on a fair system (see admissions Policy)
All parents , staff, students and visitors are able to access our Equality and Diversity Policy.
We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to the setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion, or social or background.
We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to the setting for reasons relating to disability. We also develop an action plan to ensure that children and families with disabilities can participate successfully in the service we offer.
We take action against any discriminatory behaviour.
Complaints will be dealt with using the guidelines set out in Lamb Setts Complaints Policy.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and encourage children to develop a positive self image. We also encourage children to value and respect people who are different from themselves.
We use Persona Dolls to encourage children to empathise with others and explore their own beliefs and feelings.
Our environment is as accessible as possible.
If access to Lamb Setts is found to treat disabled adults or children less favourably then we will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate those needs.
At lamb Setts we:
- Make children feel valued and able to share stories of their everyday homelife.
- Encourage parents/carers to be involved.
- Ensure children have equality of access to learning to ensure each child receives the widest possible opportunity to develop their skills and abilities.
- Positively reflect the widest possible range of communities in our choice of resources.
- Have a multicultural approach to curriculum planning.
- Create an environment of mutual respect and tolerance.
- Differentiate the curriculum to meet children’s special educational needs.
- Ensure children learning English as an additional language have full access to the curriculum and are supported in their learning and in the development of their home language.
- Support parents/carers for whom English is a second language and adapt our communication methods to ensure their full inclusion.
- Offer information regarding sources of financial support, early years education grant and voucher systems.
- Help children (in an age appropriate way) to understand that discriminatory remarks and behaviour are hurtful and unacceptable.
- Lamb Setts works in partnership with parents/carers to ensure that medical, cultural and dietry eeds of children are met.
- We help children learn about and experience a wide range of food, about cultural approaches to mealtimes and eating, and encourage children to respect differences in these areas.
- At Lamb Setts posts are advertised both internally and externally and all applicants are judged against explicit and fair criteria.
- Applications are welcome from all backgrounds.
- The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and check by the Criminal Records Bureau/Central Register.
- Lamb Setts will take whatever positive action is required where it can be shown that under-representation of any particular group has occurred in recruitment. Where appropriate, and legally permissible, employees from under-represented groups will be given training and encouragement in order to promote equality and diversity within Lamb Setts.
- All job descriptions include a commitment to reading and upholding Lamb Setts Equality and Diversity Policy.
- We update and monitor our recruitment procedure to ensure it is fair and accessible.
- Line manager will act and react towards employees in a manner which respects their dignity and upholds the principles of this policy. They shall work to ensure that those under their management and supervision act in a similar way in their relationships with each other.
- Lamb Setts regards discrimination, harassment, abuse, victimisation or bullying of staff, children, families or any others in the course of their work as disciplinary offences that could be regarded as gross misconduct. Condoning such behaviour could also be treated as a disciplinary offence.
- Lamb Setts Grievance and Disciplinary Policies will be used to deal with any complaints about discrimination, harassment or bullying involving staff.
- As well as disciplining the perpetrators, Lamb Setts will give appropriate support to the victims of discrimination.
- Staff/ students and volunteers are made aware of out Equality and Diversity Policy s part of their induction.
- We seek out training opportunities to enable staff/students and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatory and inclusive practices.
- We encourage and facilitate staff/students and volunteers to access anti-discriminatory and inclusion training courses. Training needs are identified at annual appraisals.
- We ensure that staff are confident and fully trained in administering relevant medicines and performing invasive care procedures when these are required.
Monitoring and Reviewing
- It is the responsibility of senior management to implement, monitor and evaluate this policy.
- To ensure our policy remains up to date, and our procedures remain effective, this policy will be reviewed annually.
- This will ensure that at Lamb Setts we are promoting equality and inclusion and are valuing diversity.